The following system requirements cover all Carveco products.

Like any software that involves aspects of 3D modelling (to different degrees across our range of software and use cases), the specification of your PC is extremely important in ensuring you get a good experience when designing, modelling and generating toolpaths.



Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit
Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit
CPU drawing
64-bit single- or multi-core Intel® (i3, i5, i7, i9 etc) or AMD® processor with SSE2 technology
(Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended)
Memory modules
8 GB RAM (16 GB RAM recommended)
Display monitor drawing
Display Resolution
1280 x 1024 (1920 x 1200 or higher recommended) with True Color
GPU drawing
Graphics Card
2 GB RAM, OpenGL® 4.0 compliant and DirectX® 11 compliant.
HDD drawing
Disk Space
Installation 5 GB free disk space
Graphics Tablet icon
Supported Devices
MS-Mouse, 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse® or Wacom® tablet


Graphics Cards

To get the best experience from your investment in Carveco, we strongly recommend investing in a good quality GPU. More GPU cores equal better performance for Carveco and we recommend a GPU with at least 512 cores.